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Add State-of-the-Art Pool Features to Your Pool

Are there one or two absolute must-haves for your backyard paradise? Lakeview Pools & Spas can include just about any extra features in your design to put your pool above and beyond your wildest dreams. From additional cool-off areas to lounge spaces, there are a plethora of options to get the most out of your pool and add to the beauty of your landscape. We’ve included some of the most popular pool features here, and we’re available to discuss ideas and answer any questions you have about them.



Pool bubblers are a popular choice to add visual appeal and enhance the atmosphere of the pool area. They act as underwater fountains that spout water up in shallow areas. In addition to being charming, they create soothing white noise and help cool water in hotter temperatures. Our design team can strategically place bubblers in the best spots of your pool.


Including pool jets is essential to the health and safety of the water. These mechanisms do the critical work of circulating water around the pool to prevent algae growth and stagnant dirt. Jets do a wonderful job keeping water crystal clear with the assistance of other water cleaners.


Nothing ramps up fun in the pool quite like a slide! We offer professional installation of safe and sturdy slides. Our work and products are completely guaranteed, and we stand behind everything we do. If you think pool slides are just for kids, wait until you give one a try!

Infinity Pools

It’s easy to create the same blissful atmosphere in your backyard that you experience at some of the world’s fanciest resorts by including an infinity pool in your design. Infinity pools have one side where the wall is at the same height as the water, allowing it to flow into a catch basin, creating the illusion the pool extends infinitely.


Including a small waterfall in your pool serves many purposes. The obvious one is the beautiful scenery and atmosphere they create. However, the sound of falling water has a calming effect and can lower stress. Waterfalls can also be used as an additional area to cool off. One of the less obvious benefits of a waterfall is it helps recirculate pool water for a cleaner, healthier environment.

Sheer Descents

Sheer descents are a type of waterfall that creates a clear arc of water cascading into the pool. This pool feature offers a more modern look and feel than a traditional waterfall but can provide all the same benefits. Whether you want a translucent, glass-like effect or something closer to a mountain waterfall, we can create the perfect effect.


Spice up the atmosphere and create a safer pool environment with professional light installation in your pool. Pool lighting creates a glistening effect on the water and enhances the mood. If you’re swimming after dark, lights add safety in the pool and around the deck with increased visibility. Fun in the pool isn’t limited to just daylight hours when you bring in the lights!

Cleaning Systems

The overall health of your pool’s water is impacted by the quality of the cleaning system you use. Pumps, filters, vacuums, and other equipment will help keep the water clear for swimmers. With today’s modern technology and smart automation, maintaining your pool is easier than ever with the operation of essential functions through your smartphone.

Let’s Discuss Popular Features for Your Pool

Customizing your pool in Cache County, UT to include features that increase the fun and contribute to a relaxing atmosphere is simple with pool add-ons by Lakeview Pools & Spas. We’re excited to work with you to create the ultimate pool area and include options that will make you never want to leave. Contact us to learn more about custom pool features today.

Contact Lakeview Pools & Spas Today!